City Regulations and Programs

Rainfall Intensity Chart

Stormwater Master Plan

This study summarizes the results of the storm drain inventory and drainage planning for the City of Talent. The study area includes the land within and upstream of the Urban Growth Boundary (1997). Existing records were used to determine the slope and capacity of existing storm drains. All 10-year flows are based on future build-out conditions. To view the current Stormwater Master Plan, click here

Update: An updated Stormwater Master Plan has been developed and is in the process of publication.

Storm Drainage Design Standards

The purpose of the Stormwater Management Design Standards is to provide a consistent policy direction for physical improvements necessary for stormwater management. These Standards shall govern all construction and upgrading of all public and private drainage facilities in the City of Talent and any other applicable work in its service areas.

Storm Drain Protection Permits

Rogue Valley Sewer Services (RVSS) holds the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Phase II permit for the City of Talent and is responsible for ensuring implementation, adherence and enforcement, under RVSS code Chapter 4.05. Stormwater Management. Storm Drain Protection Permits are required for any ground disturbing activities of less than one acre within the Phase II boundary. View the RVSS Phase II boundary map. Projects larger than 1 acre must obtain a 1200CN permit from RVSS.

Development on Steep Slopes (Overlay Zone)

There are areas within Talent’s urban growth boundary, which are expected to be within the corporate limits that consist of slopes in excess of ten percent (10%). Slopes that exceed ten percent (10%) prove costly to build upon. In addition, slopes in excess of fifteen percent (15%) contain soils with erosion, slide and high runoff potential. The purpose of the Overlay Zone-Steep Slopes Article is to provide standards governing development of hillside land and to maintain or improve the character and harmonious development of the general area and to provide a safe, stable, efficient on-site environment according to applicable plans, policies, goals and ordinances adopted by the City Council; and to alleviate harmful and damaging effects of on-site erosion, sedimentation, runoff, and accumulation of debris on adjacent, downhill properties.

Grading Permits

In order to reduce erosion, slide and runoff potential, Grading Permits are required for medium-to-large scale grading projects. However, applicants may be exempt in some instances when 50 cubic yards or less is moved. In many cases, a Grading Plan review is also required. Plans must be engineered for any grading over 5,000 cubic yards. To determine the appropriate process for your grading project, contact the Community Development Director.

Street Sweeping Program

Keeping our City streets clean and debris free not only shows our residents and visitors that we care about the appearance and cleanliness of our community, it also shows we are concerned about our environment. Keeping debris and other road contaminants swept up on a regular basis prevents these sweepings from becoming pollutants in our streams and waterways.

With these goals in mind, in 2015, the City purchased a street sweeper, currently its operation schedule is every Thursday. In autumn, as the leaves begin to build up, Tuesdays are added to the operation schedule as needed. The public can assist in keeping our roads clear of debris by avoiding on-street parking on Thursdays during daylight hours. Keeping leaves and debris off of public infrastructure such as: sidewalks, roads and storm drain inlets is not just a City staff goal, it is an important community-wide duty that is enforced by City of Talent Ordinance 801.

Pet Waste Stations

The City has a growing inventory of pet waste stations strategically placed to make cleanup easy for pet owners. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of routes that have these amenities available. Cleanup is important; when pet waste breaks down and is washed into local streams, it carries serious negative health consequences for aquatic life, as it does with human life. Let’s keep our shared common areas healthy and pristine!