Water Quality and Corrosion Study Enhances Water Quality for Talent Residents

In 2019, the Medford Water Commission (MWC) undertook a comprehensive Water Quality and Corrosion Study, reaffirming our commitment to delivering the highest quality water to our valued customers. We are pleased to report that our water consistently meets and surpasses all applicable federal and state drinking water standards.

The study's thorough examination revealed an opportunity to further elevate water quality at your taps by adjusting the pH of both our water sources. This proactive measure is designed to limit the potential release of metals, including copper, lead, and iron, from both your private plumbing and our distribution system watermains.

What is pH? pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in water, which indicates how acidic or basic water is. The pH of drinking water depends on several factors, but generally lies within the range of 6.5-8.5. Our water will remain well within this range after this change. For more information about the pH scale, and what’s in the water we drink, visit www.medfordwater.org/pH.

Currently, the pH of water entering our drinking water system from Big Butte Springs is approximately 7.0, and for the water from the Rogue River, it is 7.3. Starting in January 2024, the MWC will initiate a small pH adjustment using sodium hydroxide. This adjustment will be a gradual process, with the goal of bringing both water sources to a target pH of approximately 7.8.

The introduction of sodium hydroxide is a carefully planned measure to enhance water quality by limiting the potential release of metals, such as copper, lead, and iron, from both customer's private plumbing and our distribution system watermains. This adjustment is in line with our commitment to surpass all applicable federal and state drinking water standards.

By implementing this adjustment, MWC aims to not only meet regulatory standards but exceed them, ensuring the health and well-being of our community. This strategic initiative not only enhances the immediate quality of water reaching your homes but also contributes to the long-term durability of our water system.

The benefits of this undertaking are twofold: it safeguards your household plumbing from potential metal releases and fortifies the longevity of our distribution system. This approach is a testament to our and Medford Water Commissions dedication to providing sustainable and high-quality water services to you, our community.

No action is required for most customers, except those that utilize processes that are known to be pH dependent, such as medical facilities/equipment users, aquarium and pond owners, breweries/home brewers, and food processing customers. For more information, download the Medford Water Commission informational flyer [here]

We are proud to share these improvements with you, assuring you that the City of Talent remains committed to serving you with excellence. Thank you for your continued trust and partnership as we work together to secure a healthier and more resilient future for our city.

Robert Slayton 
Public Works Superintendent
City of Talent

This editorial was originally published in the January 2024 issue of Talent News and Reviews.