Commission & Committee Openings

How to Apply: Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Parks & Recreation Commission

Vacancies: no vacancies

Description: This is a seven-person commission, with each person serving a two-year term. The commission advises the City Council on planning and improvements to City parks and provides oversight to the City’s Summer Recreation Programs. Members are active in raising community awareness of use of City parks and the importance of participation in recreational activities. Visit our Parks Commission page.

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. 

Contact: City Recorder at 541-535-1566 x1012 or email at

Application Deadline: Until filled.  Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

Vacancies: not accepting applications at present time

Description: The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee is an appointed citizen body with the primary responsibility of providing recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on matters involving the development of affordable housing programs to be funded by the City share of the Affordable Housing Construction Excise Tax.

Membership is to be comprised representatives from the following groups: Tenant or affordable housing organizations, local realtors, affordable housing operators or developers, members of the local construction or development community, and local lending institutions.  A majority of the members are required to be residents of the City.

Visit our Affordable Housing Advisory Committee page.

Meetings: TBD

Contact: City Recorder at 541-535-1566 x1012 or email at

Application Deadline: Until filled.  Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Planning Commission

Vacancies: no vacancies

Description: The Planning Commission is made up of 7 commissioners each serving a 4-year term.  The Commission is responsible for community planning and development review related to all land use issues as specified in City Codes and State law. They meets once a month or more as needed. Members participate in the development of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Land Division Codes. Visit our Planning Commission page.

Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.  

Application Deadline: March 22, 2021. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Urban Forestry Committee

Vacancies: 1 vacancy for alternative membership 

Description: The Urban Forestry Committee is an appointed citizen body with the primary responsibility of providing recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on direction, planning and policy on matters pertaining to Tree City USA activities, tree planting care and establishment, and protection of public street trees.  Regular meeting dates will be determined at the first meeting of the Committee.  The first meeting is expected to take place at the end of January or beginning of February 2020. Visit our Urban Forestry Committee page.

Meetings: TBD  Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Economic Development Commission

Vacancies: 7 (as of 07/1/2024)

Description: This is a seven-person commission, with each person serving a four-year term. The Economic Development Commission provides recommendations to the City Council on how to support and encourage: the retention and expansion of existing business that align with Talent’s other community development goals; a favorable environment to attract and maintain new businesses; and the development of commercial and industrial land, with preference in all cases for businesses that improve livability and/or bring jobs with wages above the Jackson County average to Talent. In support of these goals, the Commission will maintain active communication with Talent's business community to stay informed of opportunities and to be responsive to the business community's current and future needs. Visit our Economic Development Commission page. 

Meetings: Second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. 

Contact: City Recorder, 541-535-1566 x1012. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Talent Public Art Committee (TPAC)

Vacancies: none at present time

Description: Currently TPAC is looking for 3-4 volunteers for specific projects and/or to become TPAC members to enjoy a greater hands-on involvement in developing the arts in Talent. So whether you’re just interested, ready to go or you’re looking to support the arts with your time or just financially, give us a call. Visit out Talent Public Art Committee page.

Contact: City Recorder, 541-535-1566 x1012. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return.

Together For Talent Committee

Vacancies: applicaitons always welcome! 

Description: Interested in becoming a Talenteer?  Each term is 2 years. This is a great Committee to be involved in if you have a passion for trees, trails, forums and want to help make Talent an even better place to live and work. Visit our Together for Talent Committee page.

Meetings: First Tuesday of the month at 3:00 p.m.

Contact: City Recorder, 541-535-1566 x1012. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Harvest Festival Committee

Description: Looking for motivated, enthusiastic committee members to help create an event that was even better than the last.  On hold until 2021.  Find out more about our Harvest Festival Committee.

Meetings: Meets monthly beginning in January and twice a month or more as we get closer to the event. 

Contact: City Recorder, 541-535-1566 x1012. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Architectural Review Committee

Vacancies: no vacancies

Description:  The ARC advises City staff on Design Review criteria for the Historic District in Talent.  Reviews development applications for new or renovation projects in the Old Town area.  The Committee's main goal is to assure compatibility with the defining characteristics of the surrounding area and to preserve the integrity of existing neighborhoods or to support a unifying theme for a particular development or area in order to spur economic growth. Find out more about our Architectural Review Committee.

Meetings: ​Forth Thursday of the month at 6 p.m.

Contact: City Recorder, 541-535-1566 x1012. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return. 

Budget Committee

Vacancies: no vacancies

Description: State law requires that the City have a balance of elected and appointed representatives to this committee.  The Budget Committee is an advisory group. The Committee’s work is done primarily in April and May each year. Talent’s fiscal year runs July 1 to June 30. Members serve a 3-year term. Visit our Budget Committee page.

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.   

Contact: City Recorder, 541-535-1566 x1012. Download an application, complete and email to the City Recorder, or pick one up at City Hall, 110 E. Main St. in Talent, complete and return.