Boost Your Business: Renew Your Talent Business License Today!

In the hustle and bustle of running a business in Talent, it's easy to overlook some of the administrative essentials. We gently want to nudge all businesses to take a moment and check on the status of their business licenses. These licenses are more than just pieces of paper – they are your passport to legitimacy and a key component of building trust within the Talent community.

Consider this a friendly reminder to ensure your business licenses are current and aligned with city regulations. The cost of a business license is $60.00 per year. In addition to the basic business license fee, there is a charge of $5.00 per employee for each employee with a business having more than two employees. Business licenses are due by February 1 of each year.

Business license revenues supplement other taxes and fees the City receives and helps pay for service to our business community…including 24-hour police services… at a higher level than can be funded from the City’s general tax base.

When you receive your business license certificate, display it proudly as a positive and responsible image that your business is “going the extra mile” to support the Talent community. Please call Talent City Hall at 541-535-1566 for more details, email at, or visit us online at

This editorial was originally published in the February 2024 issue of Talent News and Reviews.