​City of Talent Offers Flood Risk Information for Residents

 The City of Talent is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System. Because of the elevated risk in your area, the City of Talent recommends taking preventative measures to reduce property loss, personal injury and health hazards in the event of a flood. As a public service, the City of Talent will provide you with the following information upon request:

  • Whether a property is in or out of the Flood Hazard Area (FHA) as shown on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) of the County.
  • Additional flood insurance data for a site, such as the FIRM zone and the base flood elevation or depth, if shown on the FIRM.
  • We have a handout on the flood insurance purchase requirement that can help people who need a mortgage or loan for a property in the SFHA.
  • The City of Talent maintains elevation certificates for new and substantially improved structures in the SFHA since January 1982. 
  • The City of Talent updates the Flood Insurance Rate Maps as needed when revisions are made to the maps.
  • The City also has information for additional FIRM information, problems not shown on the FIRM, flood depth date, special flood related hazards, historical flood information, natural floodplain functions.

If you would like to make an inquiry, please tell us the street address and, if available, the subdivision, lot and block number. We are open 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Please call Community Development (541) 535-7401 or drop by the office at 110 E. Main St. There is no charge for this service.

This editorial was originally published in the November 2024 issue of Talent News and Reviews.